The go-to cybersecurity report for drones this year.GreenLynx AI 2024 Drone Cybersecurity Report


Unmanned Systems Cybersecurity: Navigating Challenges and Innovations

The report "Navigating the Landscape of Unmanned Systems Cybersecurity" offers a comprehensive exploration of challenges and solutions in safeguarding aerial, maritime, and ground assets. Through expert insights, it highlights the critical role of advanced technologies like AI and blockchain, emphasizing proactive strategies for protecting against evolving cyber threats.

Inside the Year of Stealth

Get your copy of the GreenLynx AI 2024 Global Cybersecurity Report.


Key report insights

The evolving threat landscape demands enhanced cybersecurity measures.

Adversaries are capitalizing on global cloud adoption, making the cloud a prime battleground. Cloud-conscious adversaries, especially eCrime actors, use valid credentials to access victims’ cloud environments, and then use legitimate tools to execute their attack — making it difficult to distinguish between normal user activity and a breach.


Critical infrastructure is increasingly vulnerable to cyber threats.

Unmanned systems are integral components of critical infrastructure, spanning transportation networks, energy grids, and communication systems. These systems are increasingly vulnerable to cyber threats due to their interconnected nature and reliance on digital technologies. Ensuring the resilience of critical infrastructure requires concerted efforts to bolster cybersecurity measures specifically tailored to unmanned systems.

National security relies on safeguarding unmanned systems from malicious actors.

Unmanned systems, including drones, autonomous vehicles, and maritime vessels, play pivotal roles in defense, intelligence, and surveillance operations. Protecting these systems from cyber threats is imperative to safeguarding national interests and maintaining operational readiness in dynamic security environments.


Advanced technologies like AI and blockchain bolster threat detection and response capabilities.

AI algorithms can analyze vast amounts of data to identify patterns indicative of malicious activity, while blockchain technology can enhance data integrity, authentication, and traceability in unmanned systems operations. GreenLynx AI leverages these technologies to provide innovative cybersecurity solutions tailored to the unique requirements of unmanned systems, empowering organizations to mitigate cybersecurity risks effectively.

Compliance with evolving regulations for unmanned systems cybersecurity is still in its early stages.

While regulatory frameworks for unmanned systems cybersecurity are still in the early stages of development, organizations must proactively monitor regulatory developments and align their cybersecurity practices with emerging standards and guidelines. GreenLynx AI's commitment to compliance and adherence to industry best practices ensures that organizations remain resilient in the face of evolving cyber threats.

Inside the Year of Stealth

Get your copy of the GreenLynx AI 2024 Global Cybersecurity Report.


Unmanned System Cybersecurity: Land, Air, and Sea

Securing aerial autonomy with advanced cybersecurity solutions, from encrypted communications to preemptive threat detection.
Navigating aquatic autonomy with robust cybersecurity measures, including encryption protocols and rapid threat response capabilities.
Pioneering terrestrial autonomy fortified by comprehensive cybersecurity frameworks, ensuring mission-critical operations remain secure and resilient.